Prudhvi Kumar Danapana
2 min readOct 31, 2021

Topic- 3R’s (Recycle , Reuse , Reduce)


Simply 3R means reducing the usage of nonrenewable resources , used non-eco friendly materials should be made recycled (changing from one pattern to other) instead of crushing , reusing the used one which aren’t good for environment.



  • Recycle : Simply converting waste materials into usable one. For example , if we have used a water bottle and we ensure to throw in garbage , here the bottle should be further modified to use.
  • Reuse : Simply reusing the used ones. For example , consider that we went to market to buy vegetables , as he/she provides a bag (polythene bag) to keep the vegetables carry till home , after reaching towards we have make sure that bag to reuse.
  • Reduce : Simply reducing the usage of such things that aren’t eco-friendly in nature. If we reduce such things then there is no need (not completely) to follow the criteria of Reuse and Recycle. Here reduce also matters in some other examples too such as reduce wastage of food , water etc.

Conclusion :

  • My point towards this topic is that everyone should have atleast idea regarding this topic so that people come to know what do we have to do and what shouldn’t.

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