
Prudhvi Kumar Danapana
3 min readApr 18, 2022

What does cloud computing means?

It is of simply running our resources on the servers that are hosted by the companies i.e. Amazon, Google, Azure, Alibaba etc. These resources are welcomed through pay-as-we go.


It is simply a serverless service. Where the developer only needs to focus on the code, he shouldn’t focus on the O.S used, on what server they ran, all these things will be taken care by the AWS behind the scene.

Functioning of Lambda:

Whenever you send the code to Lambda, you are actually deploying it in a container. The container however, is itself created, deployed, and managed entirely by AWS. So, you need not to worry about all the things behind used.

Companies benefited through AWS Lambda and their use cases(where they actually used).

1. Netflix

It is an old child for AWS. Netflix uses petabytes of video and other data types that need to be streamed to its 50 million customers globally. Their AWS stack is made up of up to 50,000 instances in 12 zones, and 50% of those instances turn over daily, with almost all of them changing each month.

With Lambda, they’ve discovered a new level of abstraction whereby, instead of polling the infrastructure in order to manage and control it, they can use declarative rules-based triggers to make infrastructure automatically adapt to changes in the application layer.

For example, Netflix uses Lambda to execute rule-based checks and routing to handle data stored in S3. Whenever a piece of data is written to S3, a Lambda function decides which data needs to be backed up, which needs to be stored offsite. It then validates if the data has reached its destination, or if an alarm needs to be triggered.

Similarly, with security, Netflix uses Lambda functions to check if new instances created by various services are secure. If vulnerabilities and wrong configurations are spotted, the instance will shut down automatically.

2. Slack

Real-time notification saves a lot of our manual work and we all know how inevitable they are in our hyper-connected world. ChatOps is becoming the most effective procedure to DevOps. Saying that it’d be an added advantage to receive real-time notifications on 3rd-party platforms like Slack.

When using SNS, you create a topic and control access to it by defining policies that determine the subscribers and publishers to be communicated with the topic. When an SNS topic has Lambda function subscribed to it, it invokes the function with the payload of a published message.

Upon invocation, the function can manipulate the information in the message, publish the message to the other SNS topics and send the message to other AWS services or endpoints.

An interesting example is to receive your infrastructural alerts as a Slack notification. Whenever a CloudWatch alarms trigger, it will send a message to the SNS topic. Upon receiving the message, SNS topic will invoke a Lambda function which will call the Slack API to post a message to Slack channel.

Thank you…🤗✌️

